Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Fight

Barbie says:  Back in the day.... Fargo didn't have many restaurants and our family didn't have extra money to spend at restaurants anyway. At a young age I went on a shopping trip  to DL (Detroit Lakes) with Linda and her mom.  We had lunch in a corner restaurant. Being very inexperienced in this area, I didn't know what or how to order. Linda ordered a burger and fries.  When the waitress asked what I wanted, I said that I'll have the same thing as Linda.  Linda got really mad and told her mom "Barbie is copying me!  The only reason that she ordered that -  is because I did."  I lied and said "No, I didn't! I wanted a burger and fries!"  In reality, I didn't know what my options were and I HAD copied Linda.  (The truth is finally coming out)

1 comment:

  1. I remember that incident. It would also make me crazy when Barbie would spend the night at my house and at breakfast time I would open the cabinet where there was several choices of cold cereal. Barbie would invariably choose the one I was having. I'm not sure why that bugged me. Maybe I was wanting her to be a free thinker? Who knows.
